Is Delta-8 Legal in Ohio?


What Is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-8 is an abbreviation for Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol, sometimes known as "marijuana-lite" or "diet weed". Delta-8 THC is a naturally occurring cannabinoid present in tiny amounts in hemp and marijuana plants. Since Cannabis sativa contains only trace amounts of Delta-8 THC, it is often synthesized in high concentrations from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). While CBD has no intoxicating characteristics, Delta-8 THC has comparable psychoactive properties to Delta-9 THC but is typically less intense. Delta-8 THC products include gummies, edibles, tinctures, vape cartridges, and infused beverages.

The potential benefits of Delta-8 THC include:

  • Improved sleep quality
  • Improved appetite
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Pain relief
  • Prevention of sensory overstimulation

The side effects of Delta-8 THC include:

  • Disorientation
  • Lethargy
  • Anxiety
  • Dry mouth and eyes
  • Impaired coordination
  • Increased heart rate

Is Delta-8 Legal in Ohio?

Yes, Delta-8 THC is legal in Ohio. Pursuant to the 2018 Farm Bill and Ohio SB 57, hemp-derived Delta-8 products containing no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC may be sold and purchased in Ohio. You do not require a medical marijuana (MMJ) card to purchase Delta-8 THC products in Ohio. However, marijuana-derived Delta-8 THC products are only available to qualified medical marijuana patients. If you are eligible and have obtained a medical marijuana card, you can purchase a 45-day supply of marijuana-derived Delta-8 THC products at a time. Note that you may be required to prove that you are of legal age (21) before purchasing Delta-8 THC products.

Delta-8 vs Delta-9

The most abundant cannabinoid found in cannabis is Delta-9 THC, which shares an identical chemical structure with Delta-8 THC. Both cannabinoids have double bonds in their respective molecular structures, although located in different positions. The double bond in Delta-8 is located on the eighth carbon chain, as its name indicates. In Delta-9 THC, the double bond is located on the ninth carbon atom. The position of the double bond in each isomer affects how strongly it attaches to the endocannabinoid system (ECS), leading to comparable but distinct effects when consumed.

Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC both attach to the same brain receptors, notably the cannabinoid type 1 (or CB1) receptor, which is responsible for the high you get from smoking a joint or eating weed gummy. In contrast to Delta-9, Delta-8 seems to have a lesser affinity binding to the CB1 receptor, which weakens its effects.

The "high" produced by Delta-8 is smoother and milder than that of Delta-9. Users of Delta-8 THC products will experience euphoric, blissful and uplifting effects similar to small doses of Delta-9 THC. Delta-8 and Delta-9 can help ease digestive problems, including nausea and vomiting.

Delta-8 vs Delta-10

Delta-8 and Delta-10 are isomers of Delta-9 THC. Unlike Delta-8, which has its double bond on the eighth carbon ring, Delta-10, as the name suggests, has its double bond on the tenth carbon ring. Research indicates that Delta-8 is about half as potent as Delta-9, while Delta-10 is 20-30% less potent than Delta-8.

Similar to Delta-8, Delta-10 also exists in trace amounts in the cannabis plant. Delta-10 THC may be sourced through traditional extraction techniques such as supercritical CO2 extraction, hydrocarbon extraction, ethanol and cryo-ethanol extraction, or it can be derived from crude CBD or CBD isolate.

Anecdotal evidence and research indicate that Delta-8 THC and Delta-10 THC have very different effects on the body. While the effects of both isomers are not as potent as Delta-9 THC, they are easier to "handle," especially for first-time cannabis users. Delta-8 THC is useful as a sleep aid and for relaxation; hence, it is nighttime friendly. Delta-10 induces cerebral effects and is, therefore, more appropriate for daytime use. Delta-10 THC also increases energy and improves motivation.

How Long Does Delta-8 Stay in the Body?

If you use Delta-8 once or twice a week, you can expect its metabolites to leave your body in about a week. If its use occurs regularly, such as several times a week, you may have to wait several weeks before passing a drug test. However, these periods can be lessened or extended by several factors, such as:

  • Method of Consumption: Depending on how Delta-8 products are consumed, THC metabolites may take longer to be flushed out or exit the body quicker. If you consume a Delta-8 capsule or edible, it takes your body longer to break down the chemical compounds, which means that THC metabolites will remain longer in the body. However, when Delta-8 THC is vaped, THC metabolites are eliminated from the body quicker
  • Metabolism: Young adults with faster metabolic rates are likely to break down Delta-8 THC quicker and get rid of its metabolites from their bodies faster than older people with slower metabolism
  • Dosage: The higher you dose on Delta-8 THC, the longer it takes THC metabolites to be removed from your body

Does Delta-8 Show Up on a Drug Test?

Yes. Since most drug tests are adapted to detect Delta-9 THC and cannot differentiate between Delta-8 and Delta-9 in the body, Delta-8 THC is likely to show up on a drug test. Although Delta-8 and Delta-9 are not the same, they are not distinctive enough for drug tests to detect specific THC isomers consumed by the persons tested. When you take Delta THC products, THC isomers are broken down into THC metabolites by your body in similar ways. Blood, urine, saliva, and hair follicle tests are used by law enforcement or Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) to detect THC metabolites in the body.

The detection windows for these drug tests are as follows:

  • Blood test: Blood tests are typically used to detect recent THC use. THC metabolites may be detected by blood tests 5-7 days after use. For heavy users, THC metabolites may be detected in the blood plasma up to 25 days after taking Delta-8
  • Urine test: If you only use Delta-8 occasionally, a urine test may detect THC in your urine for up to 3 days after use. However, if you are a chronic user, Delta-8 THC metabolites may be detected in the urine for up to 30 days after use
  • Saliva test: Saliva tests are usually used to detect same-day Delta-8 use. However, according to a recent study, THC metabolites may be detected in the saliva up to 72 hours after the last use
  • Hair follicle test: Unlike other forms of drug testing, hair follicle tests may detect THC in your system for much longer periods after the last dose. Delta-8 THC metabolites may be detected in hair samples up to 90 days after use

Where to Buy Delta-8 in Ohio

Many retailers in Ohio offer Delta-8 products. You can find them at your local hemp shops, CBD stores, or gas stations. You may also purchase from online stores and have your selection of products delivered to your doorstep in a few days. One good way to find reliable Delta-8 THC products is to look for the QR codes on the products that let buyers look up test results.



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