Marijuana Dispensaries in Hamilton

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Hamilton?

No. Due to marijuana’s illegal status in Ohio under Chapter 3719 of the Ohio Revised Code, the City of Hamilton does not approve the operations of recreational cannabis dispensaries. Therefore, there are no adult-use cannabis dispensaries in the city.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Hamilton?

No. Under Chapter 720.02 of the Hamilton Code of Ordinances, no medical marijuana dispensary licensed under Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code may operate within the City of Hamilton. Hence, there are no medical marijuana retail stores in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Hamilton?

Since there are no cannabis dispensaries in the city, the only legal means of purchasing cannabis online is to order medical cannabis online from other Ohio jurisdictions that have not prohibited the operations of cannabis retailers. Note that only medical cannabis is available for sale, and deliveries are not permitted in the state. Therefore, buyers must visit the store to pick up their orders.

Visiting a Dispensary in Hamilton

There are no cannabis dispensaries in Hamilton. Therefore, there are no retail stores to visit in the city.

Hamilton Dispensary Laws

Although the State of Ohio permits the operations of medical cannabis dispensaries, the City of Hamilton has banned the operations of such establishments. Note that state law allows Ohio municipalities to restrict the operations of cannabis businesses within their limits.

Recreational Laws in Hamilton

With recreational marijuana illegal in Ohio, there are no provisions for the regulation of cannabis in the Hamilton Code of Ordinances. However, per state law, the possession of small quantities of marijuana has been decriminalized. When up to 100 grams of marijuana are found in a person's possession, the law considers the offense to be a petty misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $150 but no time spent in jail. The age of the offender and the location of the arrest are factors that may play a role in determining the severity of the penalties that are imposed for a first-time offense of possessing marijuana in Hamilton.

Note that decriminalization and legalization are not the same things. In Hamilton, possession of larger quantities, distribution, and growing marijuana are all still considered illegal activities that may result in harsher punishments.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Hamilton

Ohio’s HB 523 is the measure containing the medical cannabis laws in operation in Hamilton. The state law established a medical marijuana control program (OMMCP) allowing residents of the state with qualifying conditions to use medical cannabis upon getting a physician's recommendations. The measure set up a patient caregiver registry to which qualifying patients must apply for inclusion.

Upon inclusion in the registry, patients will receive medical marijuana cards that legally qualify them to purchase medical cannabis from state-licensed dispensaries. While the City of Hamilton has banned medical cannabis dispensaries, the medical marijuana ID card issued under the OMMCP qualifies Hamilton patients to purchase medical cannabis from other Ohio cities.

Some of the approved conditions under the OMMCP include chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell anemia, Hepatitis C, fibromyalgia, and terminal illnesses. Patients are allowed to hold 90-day supplies of medical marijuana products. The OMMCP website maintains an online tool for patients to determine the exact amount of concentrates, flowers, oils, and edibles equivalent to a 90-day supply.

While the OMMCP is typically open to persons aged 18 and older, HB 523 allows minors and patients who are incapacitated to designate adult caregivers to purchase medical marijuana on behalf of registered patients. Note that HB 523 does not make any provision for the home cultivation of medical cannabis by patients or their caregivers.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Hamilton

You must reside in Ohio and be diagnosed with one of the qualifying medical conditions approved by the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program in order to qualify for a medical marijuana card. Also, you must have the recommendation to use marijuana to treat your condition from a registered physician with a Certified-to-Recommend (CTR) status in Ohio. To find a CTR physician in the city or a neighboring municipality, use the state medical board list of licensed physicians.

After receiving a physician's recommendation, you may register for a medical marijuana card through the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program portal. After the physician verifies your condition, you will receive an email notification from the OMMCP with a unique link for completing your application. The application procedure requires the completion of a form, the submission of proof of Ohio residency, and the payment of the $50 application fee. Patients who qualify for financial aid, such as veterans and persons with low-income status, may be eligible for a fee reduction.

You will receive a medical marijuana card upon approval of your application. The application review and card issuance process may take up to 4 weeks. For further information on obtaining an Ohio medical marijuana registry card, review the OMMCP quick reference guide.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Hamilton?

Medical cannabis consumption on private property is allowed in Hamilton. However, it is against the law to consume cannabis in public areas. For individuals residing in rented apartments, it is mandatory to seek permission from landlords before consuming cannabis there. Recreational marijuana use is illegal in public and private spaces.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Hamilton Dispensary

There are no cannabis dispensaries in the City of Hamilton.

The Average Price in Hamilton

There are no dispensaries in Hamilton.

Most Popular Strains in Hamilton

Hamilton does not permit cannabis retail stores in the city. Therefore, cannabis strains are not sold legally there.

Can You Smoke in Public in Hamilton?

Smoking cannabis in public places in Hamilton, including bars, schools, dispensaries, parks, and streets, is unlawful.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Hamilton?

The possession of recreational marijuana, in any amount, is not allowed. However, collectively, patients and their caregivers may purchase no less than a whole day unit of medical marijuana products at a single time from a licensed dispensary. A whole day unit is defined as:

  • 295 milligrams of cream, lotion, ointment, or patch for transdermal application; or

  • 2.83 grams of plant material; or

  • 110 milligrams of THC in the form of tinctures, pills, edibles, or oils for oral administration; or

  • 590 milligrams of THC oil for vaporization

According to Rule 3796:7-2-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code, patients and caregivers are allowed to purchase a 90-day supply of medical marijuana in two 45-day fill periods. This means that the maximum amount of medical marijuana products that can be purchased, aggregated across different forms, include:

  • 9 ounces of cannabis plant material

  • 26.55 grams of THC cream, ointment, lotion, or patch for transdermal administration

  • 9.9 grams of THC oil, capsule, tincture, or edible for oral administration

  • 53.1 grams of THC oil for vaporization

Can I Ship Cannabis in Hamilton?

No. With federal law guiding interstate movement and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) classifying cannabis as an illegal drug, it is unlawful to ship cannabis across state lines into Hamilton. However, if you are transporting cannabis from an Ohio location to Hamilton, you face no legal repercussions.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Hamilton?

Since there are no dispensaries in Hamilton, you cannot order cannabis online from dispensaries licensed by the city. Alternatively, you may order online from other Ohio-licensed dispensaries in nearby cities. However, in compliance with state law, such dispensaries cannot deliver your order to your address.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Hamilton?

There are no dispensaries in Hamilton.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Hamilton?

No cannabis dispensaries exist in Hamilton.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Hamilton?

Hamilton is not home to any cannabis dispensaries.

Best Dispensaries in Hamilton

There are no marijuana dispensaries in the city.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Hamilton?

No pot stores are in the City of Hamilton.

How Many Dispensaries are in Hamilton?

There are no approved cannabis dispensaries in the city.

Can Dispensaries in Hamilton Take Credit Cards?

Hamilton bans the establishment of cannabis dispensaries within its city limits.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot visit any dispensaries in the city as there are no legal cannabis retailers in Hamilton.

Do Dispensaries in Hamilton Take Health Insurance?

Dispensaries are prohibited from operating in the city.

Do Dispensaries in Hamilton Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no authorized retail weed stores in the city.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Hamilton at Age 18?

There are no legal cannabis dispensaries in Hamilton.

Where Can I Find the Hamilton Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Ohio Department of Commerce and the Ohio Board of Pharmacy are responsible for overseeing cannabis-related activities in Hamilton. The ODC is tasked with creating regulations and licensing medical marijuana cultivators, processors, and testing laboratories. On the other hand, the Ohio Board of Pharmacy is responsible for licensing medical cannabis dispensaries and maintaining the state medical cannabis patient and caregiver registry.

To contact the Ohio Department of Commerce, call (614) 466-3636 or visit the ODC at:

77 S High Street

20th Floor

Columbus, OH

For inquiries regarding the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, call (614) 466-4143 or visit:

77 S High Street

17th Floor

Columbus, OH

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Hamilton?

To report illegal cannabis activities in Hamilton, contact the Hamilton Police Department, the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, or the Ohio Department of Commerce.