Butler County Cannabis – Is It Legal & Where To Buy 2024

Is Cannabis Cultivation Legal in Butler County?

Yes, this is allowed in Butler County, but only for businesses licensed by the Ohio Department of Commerce to cultivate medical marijuana. Ohio House Bill 523 legalized the use of medical marijuana in September 2016. Under this act, the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program (MMCP) was established under the Department of Commerce and the State Board of Pharmacy to regulate the licensing of medical marijuana cultivators, processors, laboratories, and retail dispensaries, as well as the registration of medical marijuana patients and their caregivers.

According to the MMCP, cultivators may be classified as either Level I or Level II. Level I cultivators are allowed to cultivate in a maximum land area of 25,000 square feet. On the other hand, Level II cultivators may operate in a smaller area of 3,000 square feet.

Generally, all cultivator license holders may not cultivate medical marijuana on any public land. Adequate storage and security equipment, such as alarm systems, fencing, and surveillance cameras, should be implemented in accordance with Rule 3796:2-2-05. Depending on the approved operations and quality assurance plan, outdoor cultivation may be permitted. Following Rule 3796:2-2-07, cultivators in Butler County are prohibited from doing the following activities:

  • Growing an unregistered and unapproved marijuana

  • Selling any form of medical marijuana to a patient or caregiver

  • Producing medical marijuana in excess of the quantity needed for its normal operations

  • Amending its approved operations plan, quality assurance plan, and cultivation or production techniques without prior approval from the department

  • Selling plant material exceeding 35% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content as defined in Rule 3796:1-1-01 of the Administrative Code

Is Cannabis Manufacturing Legal in Butler County?

The processing or manufacturing of medical cannabis is permitted in Butler County. According to House Bill 523, all licensed medical marijuana processors are allowed to do the following:

  • Acquire medical marijuana from a licensed cultivator

  • Process medical marijuana into oils, tinctures, plant material, edibles, patches, or other forms as described in Section 3796.06 of the Revised Code

  • Deliver or sell medical marijuana products to licensed retail dispensaries

Licensed processors must package their products in child-resistant packages as described in 16 C.F.R. 1700.15(b). Additionally, all products should be labeled with their appropriate THC and cannabidiol content. Businesses may utilize MMCP’s eLicensing Self-Service Portal to apply for a license. Fees apply as follows: $10,000 for a processor application, $90,000 for a Certificate of Operation, and $100,000 for license renewal.

Is Cannabis Retail Legal in Butler County?

Cannabis Retail is legal in Butler County. Dispensaries offer oils, tinctures, flowers, edibles, patches, and vapes.

House Bill 523 guides the operations of dispensaries in Butler County. Aside from a Certificate of Operation, dispensaries are required to:

  • Dispense only to patients who are at least 18 years old and their designated caregiver with an active registration card, valid identification card, and physician’s recommendation

  • Label the dispensed medical marijuana with the following details:

    • Name and address of licensed processor and dispensary

    • Name of patient and caregiver

    • Name of recommending physician

    • Directions for use

    • Date when the medical marijuana was dispensed

    • Quantity, strength, and kind of medical marijuana dispensed

  • Operate only with adequately trained employees

  • Keep all collected patient information or details that may identify them private

Qualified patients and their caregivers may be able to buy a 90-day supply of medical marijuana products. This may be divided into two 45-day fill periods, where the first fill period is for days 1-45 of the patient’s active recommendation, and the second fill period is for days 46-90.

Is Cannabis Delivery Legal in Butler County?

No. Butler County does not allow cannabis delivery to medical marijuana patients. Rule 3796:6-3-08 of the Ohio Administrative Code states explicitly that medical marijuana should not be sold, dispensed, or distributed to a qualified patient or caregiver via delivery. However, the caregiver is allowed to transport the medical marijuana to their registered patient. Additionally, Butler County only permits the following movement of medical marijuana pursuant to House Bill 523: delivery from a licensed cultivator to other licensed processors or delivery from a licensed cultivator to other licensed dispensaries.

How to Get Medical Marijuana Card in Butler County

Butler County residents who have any of the following qualifying conditions may consult a certified physician to be included in the Patient & Caregiver Registry:


  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  • Alzheimer’s disease

  • Cachexia

  • Cancer

  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Epilepsy or another seizure disorder

  • Fibromyalgia, glaucoma

  • Hepatitis C

  • Huntington’s disease

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Chronic or intractable pain

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Sickle cell anemia

  • Spasticity

  • Spinal cord disease or injury

  • Terminal illness

  • Tourette syndrome

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Ulcerative colitis

Afterwhich, the patient or caregiver will receive an email allowing them to complete their registration in the Patient Registry. A $50 fee for patients and a $25 fee for caregivers will be collected annually to keep the registration.

For more information, the MMCP may be reached at 1-833-464-6627 or through its online contact form.

How Has Cannabis Legalization Impacted the Economy of Butler County?

Butler County does not impose any special tax on medical marijuana purchases. However, the state subjects its patients to a 5.25% regular state tax and 0.25-2.25% local sales tax. Butler County significantly contributes to Ohio’s economy, having licensed cultivators, processors, and dispensaries. As of October 2022, 309,548 Ohio residents have been registered in the Patient Registry contributing to a total of $1.045 billion in product sales.

The Effects of Cannabis Legalization on Crime Rates in Butler County

Medical marijuana became legal in Butler County when the State of Ohio approved House Bill 523 in 2016. However, the first dispensaries selling cannabis products only started operating three years later. According to the FBI Crime Data Explorer, marijuana possession offenses in Ohio have significantly decreased since its legalization – from 18,274 arrests in 2016 to 6,450 in 2021. Additionally, arrests for marijuana drug sale offenses reduced from 1,034 in 2016 to 219 in 2021.

In this section:
Ohio Cannabis County Info